Billy Wilder (operating camera) shoots and directs Gloria Swanson in "Sunset Blvd."

Monday, February 15, 2010

Friday's Class

I think we need to pre-plan Friday's class a bit.

Personally I will be editing the footage because I fell behind this week cause I've been busy with other classes.

So are we filming anything? I'll try to get some establishing shots on Thursday (ex. the Office, the park, etc.)

Oh and Jon already filmed the footage for the tripping sequence (naked girl covered in blood) so at least we have some footage for the Lizard :)


  1. ok, thats great about jon's scene. I guess nothing was filmed on saturday. thinking in one of the ninjas scenes, i thought we can set up a similar scene from the movie the hero (jet lee)the one w the leaves. actually there'r a lot of interesting scenes that we can use from it. also like jon did go ahead and shoot scenes on your own ANYTHING that comes to mind can be use, we need to star showing more interest for the projcet.

  2. I am down for shooting this weekend. hopefully it won't be really early in the morning but if that is the only time, I will be there. and yes, we totally need to pre-plan the hell out of the shoot on friday so we aren't standing around with our thumbs up our asses on saturday. see you all on friday

  3. Haha I like the way you put it. Yes, hey as long as everything's filmed before class is over, I can always put it together after Spring Break.

    Personally, I have a lot of faith in the The Lizard as well as the documentary. Some of the stuff we already have, it's pretty solid.

    Anyway, on Saturday I'll check out the camera to film some footage for the tripping sequence.
