Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Review Article of Conan's New Show + Tom Hanks
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Check this Music Vid out!
Here's a link for a short article about the vid:
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Don Quixote Movie Updates
I just read a couple of articles about Don Quixote's path to the big screen. Not only is Gilliam's film a bust again due to financing issues, Warner Bros. is coming out with their own blockbuster version that is rumored to have a much higher budget along with a watered-down plot.
Here's the links to the articles:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Matrix=Awesome
This movie was definitely one I considered choosing for the script breakdown project. Brian chose it so I'm sure he'll have a beastly time working with it. I saw the movie this past weekend and once again heard the monologue that made it for me: Smith's epiphany about humanity. Here's the link for the vid...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Top Ten Horror Films

- Psycho
- The Shining
- The Exorcist
- Silence of the Lambs
- Jaws
- Night of the Living Dead
- Alien
- The Thing (Carpenter)
- Nosferatu (silent)
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
A great list. Here is mine in no particular order.
The Bride of Frankenstein
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Black Cat (1930s Universal)
The Shining
The Seventh Victim
The Cabinet of Dr. Calagari
The Exorcist
The Horror of Dracula
Please post your personal list and comment.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Don't Kill the Dog!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Lizard (Kyle Rzepkowski Script)
Friday, July 23, 2010
David Cronenberg and the New Media
"Videodrome" tells the tale of an embedded signal in an underground "snuff" channel that creates a mutation of the brain and thus the alteration of reality; "the new flesh". Probably not a good thing. In a nod to Niel Postman's book, "Amusing Ourselves To Death", Cronenberg postulates that it really isn't the violence on the screen that does the damage, it is the screen itself that is taking away our humanity. Watch it if you have a chance.
"eXistenz" is the story of the "demon goddess" Alegra Geller who develops the ultimate interactive, virtual reality gaming system. The only thing on the line is your sanity and maybe your life. Cronenberg returns to form in this story of technology gone mad. Both films are great speculations on the futrue of media and the decay of society.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
"Nuit Blanche"
This is a good example of what is available to all of you as filmmakers today through technology and, of course, a certain degree of talent. Quite awesome.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Val Lewton - Producer
Working under David O. Selznick for years finally netted Lewton a producing job at RKO. Here he turned out some of the best horror films ever made and started many successful careers in the industry: Robert Wise and Jacques Tourneur among them. You will find a nice article about him listed in the "Links" section. Here is a trailer from "The Seventh Victim", perhaps his most "noirish" and downbeat film.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
COURSE NAME: Producing & Directing
PHONE: 813-900-4759
OFFICE HOURS: Before and after class
CREDITS: 3 credits
The course is an introduction to the jobs of producer and director as they relate to the filmmaking process. The goal is to develop an understanding of these two positions and some fundamental skills involved with their responsibilities. Students will examine the separate and overlapping areas of authority and cooperation a producer and a director share in the making of a film. Students will be presented with the tools, techniques, and understanding of budgeting, scheduling, hiring, casting and shooting the movie. Financing, contracts, unions, guilds and distribution will also be covered. The course will consist of reading, writing, discussion and viewing of documentaries dealing with the production and direction of famous films as well as viewing some of the films themselves.
1. Conceive a plan for financing a film.
2. Be able to chart an organizational structure for a film production.
3. Break down a script.
4. Budget a script.
5. Make a strip board and a shooting schedule.
6. Be familiar with standard contracts and deal memos.
7. Understand the various ways films and filmmakers make money.
8. Structure a production crew.
9. Understand creative aspects of the producer/director relationship.
10. Identify the steps of the production process.
11. Explore the possibilities of independent film production and the Internet.
This is a highly interactive and discussion-oriented course. Students will learn from one another as well as from the instructor, guest lecturers, the text, readings, exercises, presentations weekly assignments and the final project. Professionalism will be put into practice through the students’ promptness, class attendance, willingness to create a forum for shared ideas, quality and creativity of work, and the meeting of deadlines. Specifically, grades will be based on the following criteria:
• Group Project 40%
• Mid-Term Exam 20%
• Final Exam 20%
• Class Participation & Attendance 20%
Appropriate quizzes, tests, and projects will be designed to measure the achievement of the major course achievements as listed above. Instructor will specify such quizzes, tests, and projects on the syllabus to be handed out to the students at the start of the quarter of instruction. In the syllabus, weighted values in percentage will be clearly indicated by the instructor for each category of assessment.
A (93-100)
A- (90-92)
Outstanding participation. The student is actively engaged in every facet of the class. He/She comes to every class session ready to engage in informed discussion bases on a thorough and critical reading of their homework assigned material (if applicable), and he/she maintains complete critical reading notes and brings it to every class session and keeps copies of everything in their journal. The student makes extraordinary contribution to the class through consistently thoughtful, well focused, and original examples. The student works collaboratively with his/her classmates and instructor and the student seeks assistance should he/she need it. The student misses no classes.
Very Good/Good
B+ (87-89)
B (83-86)
B- (80-82)
Good participation. The student is actively engaged in most facets of the class. He/She comes to every class session ready to engage in informed discussion based on a careful reading of the assigned material, and he/she maintains substantial number of critical reading notes and brings it to most class sessions. The student makes a solid contribution to the class through regular relevant and thoughtful comments, questions and examples. The student works collaboratively with his/her classmates and instructor and the student is likely to seek assistance should he/she need it. The student misses the maximum of one class.
C+ (77-79)
C (73-76)
C- (70-72)
Average participation. The student is actively engaged in some facet of the class. He/She comes to many class sessions ready to engage in informed discussion based on a general reading of the assigned material, including few critical reading notes and brings it to many class sessions. The student makes a contribution to the class through general, incomplete and/or tangential comments. The student, for the most part, works collaboratively with his/her classmates and instructor and is not likely to seek assistance on his/her own. The student misses two class sessions.
Below Average
D (60-64)
Poor participation. The student rarely demonstrated an active engagement in some facets of the class. He/She comes to many class sessions unprepared for informed discussion, and his/her critical reading notes are substantially incomplete and rarely bring it to the class sessions. The student does not collaborate with his/her classmates and instructor and the student is not likely to seek assistance on his/her own or even with direction. The student misses two-three class sessions.
F (0-59)
Unacceptable participation. The student is not an active member of the class.
Grading Criteria: (i.e. thoroughness, neatness, concept, design, execution, professionalism, presentation, craft, cleanliness, following instructions) applies to all presentations and individual assignments. Handwritten work, no matter how neat you think it is, is not accepted. This is college and all work must be typed. Submission of handwritten work will not even be considered and will receive an F (0) for that assignment.
Grading Scale: A= 93-100, A-= 90-92, B+= 87-89, B= 83-86, B-= 80-82, C+= 77-79, C= 73-76,
C-= 70-72, D+= 65-69, D= 60-64, F= 0-59
Late Work: Since this course is dealing with industry success, all projects will be due on the date assigned and at the beginning of all classes. Late work will not be accepted. It will be an F/0. If schedule problems occur, notify the professor before any and all due dates. Putting the “final touches” on your homework/assignments such as stapling, printing out, mounting, cutting or even putting your name on the assignment, etc., prior to the start of class or during break is considered late (therefore an F/0). Regardless of when the work is collected, it should be 100% complete when you walk into class.
Attendance: The Art Institute of Tampa policy requires students to attend a minimum of 82% (36 hours) of scheduled course hours in order to receive a passing grade in a course. Attendance is taken twice throughout the class. If you are just a few minutes late, or walk in when attendance is being taken, it will be marked down as a half (1/2) of absence. Missing two or more classes (or can result in the failing of this class. I repeat: Missing two or more classes can result in the failing of this class (and your other classes as well).
Sleeping in Class: Sleeping in class is not permitted and will not be tolerated. If you are falling, or are a sleep, you will simply be asked to leave the class for the day and will be marked absent for the entire day.
Email: Check often, relay the information to your classmates. Ultimately you are responsible for checking email and following up with the instructor if you not receiving assignments, notes and correspondence for the class via email. It is CRITICAL you start the semester off fresh by clearing out your student account and adjust your forwarding address if necessary. I will correspond with the class quite often via email. Again, check often, relay the information to your classmates and ultimately you are responsible for checking your email. **Let’s exchange information now**
Plagiarism: Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may lead to immediate expulsion from the class and/or college. Plagiarism includes taking words, ideas, or artwork from anyone else and presenting it as your own or not citing properly in accordance with APA Style Guide.
Food/Beverages: Food and non-sealed beverage containers are NOT permitted in any classroom, lab or studio.
Cell Phones and other electronic devices: Cell phone usage is not permitted in any classroom, lab or studio. All cell phones, beepers, games, two-way radios (Nextel), or any other communication device must be turned off before entering the classroom. Leaving the class to take/make a phone call is not permitted unless it is an absolute medical emergency. If you do, you will be marked absent for the entire day. If I see you sending text messages, IMing or playing games or doing anything with any phone or electronic device you will be told to leave the class for the remainder of the day and you will marked absent for the entire day. Leaving devices in silent or vibrate mode is not permitted and text messaging during class is not allowed. In other words, turn all devices completely off and forget you even have them with you for just a few hours. Please take a moment to shut everything off now.
Add/Drop: The first six (6) academic days (not including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) of each quarter are designated as the schedule adjustment period. During this time, students may make registration adjustments (adding, dropping, or changing days/times of courses) without financial penalty.
Holidays: This quarter has no holidays.
Required Text(s):
Making Movies – Sidney Lumet
Recommended Text(s):
Required Supplies:
• Journal/Notebook
ADA Statement: To meet the needs of our students with disabilities, The Art Institute offers reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Students or applicants who would like to request reasonable accommodations should contact the Student Services Coordinator for the school. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact your instructor and the Dean of Student Affairs in advance of the quarter of study when accommodations are needed.
Saving Work: It is the student’s responsibility to save his or her work to disk. Multiple copies should be saved and verified prior to leaving the classroom. The teacher is in no way responsible for the work saved on hard drives, nor is he/she bound to give an extension on work improperly saved. The hard drives will get purged regularly. Students are expected to back up all work. Loss, theft, computer failure, etc. are not acceptable excuses.
Syllabus Changes: Syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Awareness of these changes is the student’s responsibility
Each student will keep an ongoing Journal of potential websites, festivals and movie markets, etc., which can be reviewed by the instructor at any time. Always bring it to class with you. Make entries whenever you do any watch or read anything pertaining to class.
Student Projects as “works in progress” will be viewed and critiqued as parts of them become available.
Various films will be shown during the quarter. Their content will be included on the tests.
WEEK 1: Friday, July 16
Discussion: Introduction, Syllabus, Instructor, Creativity, Critical Thinking.
The Jobs of Producing and Directing.
Film: “Lost in La Mancha”
Assignment: Journal Entry, Project Research
Reading: “Making Movies”, Sidney Lumet
WEEK 2: Friday, July 23
Due Today: Journal Entry
Discussion: Business Structure of Film Production
Film: TBA
Assignment: Journal Entry
Reading: Ongoing
WEEK 3: Friday, July 30
Due Today: Journal Entry
Discussion: Film Financing
Film: TBA
Assignment: Journal Entry
Reading: Ongoing
WEEK 4: Friday, August 6
Due Today: Journal Entry
Discussion: Film Budgeting and Scheduling
Film: TBA
Assignment: Journal Entry
Reading: Ongoing
WEEK 5: Friday, August 13
Due Today: Journal Entry
Discussion: Casting, Mid-Term Exam Review
Film: TBA
Assignment: Journal Entry
Reading: Ongoing
WEEK 6: Friday, August 20
Discussion: Crewing
Film: “Burden of Dreams”
Assignment: Journal Entry
Reading: Ongoing
WEEK 7: Friday, August 27
Due Today: Journal Entry
Discussion: Production Contracts
Film: “Hearts of Darkness”
Assignment: Journal Entry
Reading: Ongoing
WEEK 8: Friday, September 3
Due Today: Journal Entry
Discussion: Unions and Guilds
Film: TBA
Assignment: Journal Entry
Reading: Ongoing
WEEK 9: Friday, September 10
Due Today: Journal Entry
Discussion: Film Distribution
Film: “Spine Tingler: The William Castle Story”
Assignment: Journal Entry
Reading: Ongoing
WEEK 10: Friday, September 17
Due Today: Journal Entry, Research Project
Discussion: Business vs. Creativity, Final Exam Review
Film: TBA
Assignment: None
Reading: None
WEEK 11: Friday, September 24
Final Exam:
Final Critique:
• Presentation of Final Project
• Turn in Journals
• Class evaluation
COURSE NAME: Producing and Directing
• I have completely read and fully understand the contents of this syllabus
• I take full responsibility for living up to these obligations including, but not limited to attendance, participation, notes, quizzes, projects, etc.
• I will ask for help/assistance (both in and out of class) if needed
Student Signature: ______________________ Instructor Signature: __________________________
Print Name: ___________________________ Print Name: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________ Date: _____________________________________
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Facebook Group Page
I made a little Facebook group for anyone who wants to be involved and continue working on this film. I believe with all our hard work, this could be something.
let me know if the link doesn't work. I think it's a great way to stay connected outside of school.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Rest of the script storyboarded
Monday, March 1, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
LSD Trip Ideas
I slapped this together on Sony Vegas using footage I found online. It's just a basic idea that eventually will be extended. Open for any input, comments, critiques.
With Final Cut Pro I will have "more room" to explore as the software I used is a little basic when it comes to layers and composite modes.
In case the Blogger video doesn't work...
It's nothing special like I said, just an idea that needs to be extended so throw me some fresh ideas and what not :)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Administrative Rights
Good Luck Tomorrow
I was experimenting with with those Light Shows that I downloaded from Youtube, they look pretty dope. I downloaded a few but post a link if you find anything else you think we should use! (best from youtube and in high quality but doesn't have to)
Thanks, see you all Friday.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday's Class
Personally I will be editing the footage because I fell behind this week cause I've been busy with other classes.
So are we filming anything? I'll try to get some establishing shots on Thursday (ex. the Office, the park, etc.)
Oh and Jon already filmed the footage for the tripping sequence (naked girl covered in blood) so at least we have some footage for the Lizard :)
Friday, February 12, 2010
working script
the most famous actor in the entire history of hollywood decides to quit the industry completly and rid himself of all his possesions and commitments His manager freaks out and hires the only tow people he know that can help him out. These two men medicate actors who decide to quit holywood with halucinogenics and reprogram them. After accidently overdoseing the actor the two fixers discover that they may not have to do any work because the actor begins to meat several positive and negative influences in the back seat after being kiddnapped
establishing shot
office building camera pan up
stop at window and zoom in
fade to extreme close up of Actors manager screaming into the phone
actor is phoning his agent telling hm tat he is dine forever with holly wood
and he is throwing the phone in the trash when the this conversation is done
he just gave all his assests to charity and moving far away
no no no no
please no!!!!
we have so much more money to make together
i mean movies
thats all you slimy sick fucks think about
money money money
well this should teach you a major lesson
you little ungreatful sack of shit
i made you
you made me!?
you cant even degrade me without being cliche
i hope u were wise with your money
the actor hangs up the phone
the manger frantically tries to dial the number back
again and again but no answer
he is sweating in a way that only a man in deathly desperation would do
undoing his shirt and pacing inside his office talking to himself
trying to figure a way out of this
all the while his secretary has been listening
she begins to spread the gossip and the calls start rolling in to the manager
no! he is not dead
no he does not have cancer
no he did not quit acting
manager decides that he has only one choice
he has to call the hollywood fixers
the only two guys that fix these kind of situations
and so he dials the number
i need you guys for a job NOW!
i dont know
we are getting ready to go on vacation
not anymore!
this is the last job you will ever have to do
oh yeah?
who has quit this time ?
the actor of all actors
ok we will take it
cut to the fixers inside their home
wideshot of the room to establish their extreme flamboyant behavior
as they discuss the job
wat did you just do
im going on vacation
you know how long i have been waiting to go to the spa
im doing this for you honey
this is the big one
the one we have been waiting for
then you can go to the spa forever and ever
well if you say so
you know i trust you
after they agree they call the manager to find out where the actor is
yes we will do it
whats the price exactly
i suppose a nice cliche number like one million should suffice
yes that will do just fine
but do you even know where he is
i have had someone following him every since he lost his mind.
he is in the park
just go do your job
i dont need details
just my actor back
manager hangs up the phone
and the fixers throw their tools together
and head for the park
after the kiddnapping
everyone is in the car
the kiddnappers are up front and the actor is in the back
scene starts as an actor pov shot waking up camera facing down and panning up as if to raise the head
strobe light is going on the floor board of the car with red gel
camera pans 180 left to right up and down to show the confusion and develop the fear
actor focuses forward on the kiddnappers as he can see them
talking to each other but only their lips are moving
(all the while the strobe light is on to support the hallucinogenic state)
(all camera shots from actors pov inside car are canted and extremely wide)
also all shots of the actor will be upshots canted
car is moving but it really isnt
there is a celeberty gossip magazine in the back seat along with reptile monthly
after the actors see both of these his mind begins go on a great journey
and he become the lizard
start scene
left door opens camera,pans left as the pos influ 1 gets in
don't listnen to them
they are fuckin with your head
right door opens ,camera pans right as neg influ 1 gets in
so how do u like this movie
these guys really know what they are doing
what movie?
camera pans left as actor looks nobody is beside him
camera pans back right nobody is sitting there
left car door opens again camera pans to left
pos influ 2 gets in
you have to get out of this car man
(noise as right door opens)camera pans right
neg influ 2 gets in the car with and places a mirror in front of the actors face
telling him he is the lizzard
your the lizzard
have you forgotten?
as neg influ 2 places the mirror in front of the actors face
this is the first time we meet the lizzard
as the camera focuses on the mirror we see actor 2 reflection(the lizzard)
i am the lizzard
the true and only lizzard king of hollywood
lizzard cool
lizzard calm
(noise as left car door opens)camera pans left
pos influ 3 gets in with a mirror
the lizzard huh?
i dont think so
look in the mirror
i am the lizzard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
focus shifts now to front of car
the kiddnapers realize that whatecer is hapening is working
but they are not even doing anything
also they begin to worry that they may have permanently fucked this dude up
dialouge begins between the two fixers
man we really fucked this dude
he anint comin back from this shit
he is nack there talking to to about a hundred different people that are not there
who cares
one of them convinced him is a lizzard actor or some shit
you heard the crazy bastard
we don't have to do anything
but what happens when he starts seeing bugs in the front seat instead of people
the most famous actor in the entire history of hollywood decides to quit the industry completly and rid himself of all his possesions and commitments His manager freaks out and hires the only tow people he know that can help him out. These two men medicate actors who decide to quit holywood with halucinogenics and reprogram them. After accidently overdoseing the actor the two fixers discover that they may not have to do any work because the actor begins to meat several positive and negative influences in the back seat after being kiddnapped
establishing shot
office building camera pan up
stop at window and zoom in
fade to extreme close up of Actors manager screaming into the phone
actor is phoning his agent telling hm tat he is dine forever with holly wood
and he is throwing the phone in the trash when the this conversation is done
he just gave all his assests to charity and moving far away
no no no no
please no!!!!
we have so much more money to make together
i mean movies
thats all you slimy sick fucks think about
money money money
well this should teach you a major lesson
you little ungreatful sack of shit
i made you
you made me!?
you cant even degrade me without being cliche
i hope u were wise with your money
the actor hangs up the phone
the manger frantically tries to dial the number back
again and again but no answer
he is sweating in a way that only a man in deathly desperation would do
undoing his shirt and pacing inside his office talking to himself
trying to figure a way out of this
all the while his secretary has been listening
she begins to spread the gossip and the calls start rolling in to the manager
no! he is not dead
no he does not have cancer
no he did not quit acting
manager decides that he has only one choice
he has to call the hollywood fixers
the only two guys that fix these kind of situations
and so he dials the number
i need you guys for a job NOW!
i dont know
we are getting ready to go on vacation
not anymore!
this is the last job you will ever have to do
oh yeah?
who has quit this time ?
the actor of all actors
ok we will take it
cut to the fixers inside their home
wideshot of the room to establish their extreme flamboyant behavior
as they discuss the job
wat did you just do
im going on vacation
you know how long i have been waiting to go to the spa
im doing this for you honey
this is the big one
the one we have been waiting for
then you can go to the spa forever and ever
well if you say so
you know i trust you
after they agree they call the manager to find out where the actor is
yes we will do it
whats the price exactly
i suppose a nice cliche number like one million should suffice
yes that will do just fine
but do you even know where he is
i have had someone following him every since he lost his mind.
he is in the park
just go do your job
i dont need details
just my actor back
manager hangs up the phone
and the fixers throw their tools together
and head for the park
after the kiddnapping
everyone is in the car
the kiddnappers are up front and the actor is in the back
scene starts as an actor pov shot waking up camera facing down and panning up as if to raise the head
strobe light is going on the floor board of the car with red gel
camera pans 180 left to right up and down to show the confusion and develop the fear
actor focuses forward on the kiddnappers as he can see them
talking to each other but only their lips are moving
(all the while the strobe light is on to support the hallucinogenic state)
(all camera shots from actors pov inside car are canted and extremely wide)
also all shots of the actor will be upshots canted
car is moving but it really isnt
there is a celeberty gossip magazine in the back seat along with reptile monthly
after the actors see both of these his mind begins go on a great journey
and he become the lizard
start scene
left door opens camera,pans left as the pos influ 1 gets in
don't listnen to them
they are fuckin with your head
right door opens ,camera pans right as neg influ 1 gets in
so how do u like this movie
these guys really know what they are doing
what movie?
camera pans left as actor looks nobody is beside him
camera pans back right nobody is sitting there
left car door opens again camera pans to left
pos influ 2 gets in
you have to get out of this car man
(noise as right door opens)camera pans right
neg influ 2 gets in the car with and places a mirror in front of the actors face
telling him he is the lizzard
your the lizzard
have you forgotten?
as neg influ 2 places the mirror in front of the actors face
this is the first time we meet the lizzard
as the camera focuses on the mirror we see actor 2 reflection(the lizzard)
i am the lizzard
the true and only lizzard king of hollywood
lizzard cool
lizzard calm
(noise as left car door opens)camera pans left
pos influ 3 gets in with a mirror
the lizzard huh?
i dont think so
look in the mirror
i am the lizzard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
focus shifts now to front of car
the kiddnapers realize that whatecer is hapening is working
but they are not even doing anything
also they begin to worry that they may have permanently fucked this dude up
dialouge begins between the two fixers
man we really fucked this dude
he anint comin back from this shit
he is nack there talking to to about a hundred different people that are not there
who cares
one of them convinced him is a lizzard actor or some shit
you heard the crazy bastard
we don't have to do anything
but what happens when he starts seeing bugs in the front seat instead of people